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New Year New Teaching Strategies?

Kayla Kenton

I am always so excited (and stressed) for the annual 2-week holiday break most teachers get. Excited because I get to see family, sleep in, do any work out class I want whenever I want, but then I have to worry about when the flu is going to get me. Everyone’s body relaxes and that’s when we our body decides to take a break from fighting the countless germs we encounter everyday as a teacher.

But flu or not, you get to enjoy the good things about break and focus on what makes you happy again, which I think a lot of teachers forget about during the school year. For my New Year’s Resolution, I kept saying balance, inner peace, making time for things that make me happy and I don’t know how I will push for this once my schedule gets busy again with work taking up the majority of my day.

So I am joining the fad of bullet journaling! Seriously, google image it. It’s a fun, colorful way to keep track of your goals. I also thought if I posted my resolutions online I would feel more pressure to follow through with them, even after work starts.

My Goals for the New Year

  1. Read all of the Harry Potter books and then some.

  2. Do yoga once a week (I am not the biggest fan of yoga-but I need to learn to breathe)

  3. Do Class Pass 3x a week (ONLY! I go a little crazy sometimes)

  4. Write in my journal or blog once a week

  5. Learn to say no to people (I just need more hours in the day)

TEACHERS! Make yourself happy so you can have a happy classroom

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